
Ofarim Esther


Sovevuni lahat esh bo'eret,
rakdu li shir yachid
zeh hazemer, zeh ve'ein acher od,
ein acher od letamid.

Tov, tov,
tov, tov, tov, tov.
Tov hazemer ad ein sof,
lo yitam ve'lo yach'lof
bil'vaveinu hakudach
mit'lemim umeyare'ach.

Lailah, lailah, lailah - uvesheket
mitlake'ach hamachol,
kol chayeinu avukah doleket
lemachar vele'etmol.

Sov, sov,
sov, sov, sov, sov,
sov nasovah ad ein sof,
lo yitam ve'lo yach'lof
beleilenu hazore'ac
hamachol hamitlake'ach.

Sovevuni/Sovavnu lahat esh bo'eret...


All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.