Bekerem Hateimanim

Zohar Argov

Raglai pos'ot bekerem
be'ahavat teiman
chayay shezorim bekerem
kmo sh'visei zahav
mimul hayam kore'a
mimul batik shok'im
shirat teiman olah
al kanfei hanesharim.

Shachar oleh bakerem
be'ahavat yamay
nafshi homah bekerem
lamah lo esh'al.
Sfatai noshkot bekerem
bit'filat hazman
imi shamrah bekerem
at sodot lidat chayay.

Tzlilim shok'im bekerem
be'ahavat teiman
kolot homim bekerem
bechisufei avar
hasimta'ot cholmot
al shvilei zahav
shirat teiman noga'at
betoch hami'at mizrach.


All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.